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Registration for the spring season is now open!
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- The table tennis season will begin on Tuesday, September 7th and will end on Tuesday, October 26th. Paddles and balls will be provided but players may bring their own. We will only be accepting the first 20 players for this season. The coaching will be provided by Steve Bohuczky who is a formerly USTTA rated, experienced Table Tennis player. Each week we will provide each player with excellent coaching!
- We will conduct an orientation class for new families to the ministry beginning at 5:30 pm on Tuesday, September 22nd (the evening of the first class)
- Ages 10-18 (19 if still in high school)
- Tuesdays, from 5:30-7:00 pm [Regular class] and 7:00-8:30 pm [Advanced class]
- K1 Assembly Room (located on the first floor of the Children's Center near the Welcome Desk)
Cost: $50
Please note: We ask that you look at the class calendar, which is posted below, closely. If you realize that you will be missing 2 or more classes we ask that you hold off registering until the next session, as missing classes becomes an issue. Thank you for your understanding with these guidelines.
Considering that every family is expecting a slightly different experience and expectations for their child we will ask you on the registration form to indicate your preference:
I am registering my child primarily:
a) to build table tennis skills fast with active coaching, and home practice assignments.
b) to build table tennis skills at their own relaxed pace and socialize.
Also please understand that 8 weeks once a week is not enough time to make visible improvement. It is a difficult precision sport. We strongly recommend practicing as much at home as possible between classes.