

Our T-Ball League consists of recreational play for children from 5 - 7 years old. Crossroads leagues are designed to teach and develop a player's skills while incorporating a positive Christian influence through weekly devotional moments at practice. The cost to register for this league is $100.


Crossroads U8 Co-ed T-Ball Registration (Spring 2025)


Practices and Games

The first week of practice will be the week of March 17th, 2025.

We host practices one day per week and we schedule the practice according to the availability you put in your registration form. So long as we have a coach who can serve, we will place your child on a day that works with the stated availability in the registration form. Our practice times are either from 5:00 to 6:15 pm or 6:15 pm to 7:30 on either Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, or Thursday.


Games will be held on Saturdays from March 29th to May 17th.

We host seven games throughout the season. All of our games will be on Saturdays. We typically host our games between 8:30 am and 3:00 pm and the time of the game may vary from week to week depending on the scheduling needs for the season. Some teams may have a consistent playing team each week while others may have variety in their game schedule.


Team Placement Requests

We allow a maximum of tworequests for children registering for our league. Please note that we cannot guarantee all teammate or coach requests and we may not honor a request if it creates an imbalance in the league or if we are unable to make the necessary scheduling accommodations to have players play on the same team. All teammate requests must be included in the registration form to ensure that they are included in the teambuilding process.


Interested in coaching? Coaches receive a 15% discount for their child's registration!

If you would like to serve as a coach this season, please use the following link:

T-Ball Coach Registration (Spring 2025)


After you register, you will receive the coaching discount code in your confirmation email.

For coaches who are members of The Shepherds Church, please contact sports@shepherds.org in order to receive your 25% discount for coaching.